Biz Kidz Academy Launches

Kidpreneur Empowerment Workshops

In Partnerships with Howard County Public Schools

Biz Kidz

is thrilled to announce the launching of our NEW computer Lab for kids and youth. Located Columbia Maryland, the goal of our online, after school, and weekend workshops is to help empower students to feel safe and secure, build self-esteem, and value themselves. Our interactive, fun & educational workshops include:

Counseling/Social Skills Workshops:

This workshop provides students with innovative outlets to cope with the insecurities, anxieties, and uncertainties resulting from the challenges they face in today’s environment. Professional school counselors with the credited certifications, background, and practical experience will be hired to conduct the workshops.

Computer Game/Mentoring Workshop:

This workshop offers a variety of personalized skills designed to turn student’s stress into strength. While playing computer games, Individuals and teams discuss social topics, take quizzes, earn rewards – all while building and enhancing reading and math abilities.

Resume/Cover Letter Building Workshop:

Entering the workforce can be a scary time for teens. In this step-by step resume/portfolio building workshop, teens are provided the information required to tailor a resume and matching cover letter to their specific job interests.

Becoming a Young Entrepreneur Workshop:

This workshop is an interactive, educational, and fun platform developed to provide aspiring entrepreneurs with the essential skills required to turn their creative ideas and talents into a money-making business. Teens will develop skills like creative writing, business planning, money management, marketing, business pitching, and portfolio building.

Register to participate in an upcoming workshop here;

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